Armchair Travel: 10 Books about Drinking and Travel

My selection of travel and history books inspired by drinking culture and drinks.

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Following on from the previous foodie edition last season, this instalment of Armchair Travel is heading to the bar and ordering a cocktail, inspired by books about drinking cultures around the world and by travellers discovering the world through the bottom of a glass. So read on for a selection of drink-themed travel books and some stories inspired by alcohol-fuelled adventures. There are also a couple of non-alcoholic options on the menu too.

Here are 10 of my favourite books inspired by drink and travel.
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Armchair Travel: 10 Books About Paddling Adventures

This is my selection of the most interesting and inspiring books about paddling adventures around the world.

This edition of Armchair Travel takes to the water in a selection of small craft, in canoes, kayaks and skiffs to explore the world from water level. These accounts of expeditions in small boats are tales of individual adventure on the water, but also embrace the pace of paddle-powered slow travel allowing the history and maritime culture of the regions travelled to unfold for the voyagers.

So whether you’re looking to find motivation to try a new activity, or you’re more than comfortable exploring the world from the waterline, read on for inspiration for making a paddling adventure of your own, or enjoy the vicarious undertakings of seasoned paddlers.

Continue reading “Armchair Travel: 10 Books About Paddling Adventures”